International Association Of Financial Crimes Investigators

The IAFCI, a non-profit international organisation, will provide services and an environment within which information about financial fraud, fraud investigation and fraud prevention methods can be collected, exchanged and taught for the common good of The financial payment industry and our global society.

Collectively Combating Financial and Cyber Fraud Globally

IAFCI gives our membership professionals the means to effectively communicate in a secure environment to promote the exchange of information in the never-ending effort to apprehend and prosecute financial crime law breakers.

The expansion of IAFCI mirrors that of the payment systems industry usage and acceptance throughout the world. Local and regional Chapters have and are being formed across the world. Our members come together from all segments of the financial community, law enforcement, and retail establishments. Our one goal is to stamp out financial fraud. 

Policy Statement

The Association firmly believes in the philosophy that all card/cheque/check fraud violations should be investigated and prosecuted without regard for monetary restitution and that law enforcement agencies and the courts must not be used as a vehicle for the recovery of financial losses.

In the fast-paced world of fraud, financial, and cyber crimes investigations, it takes a dedicated, educated and experienced investigator to investigate and resolve complex criminal investigations. Certification demonstrates that you are up to the task.

Obtaining a certification in the areas of financial crimes, cyber crimes and/or digital forensics, validates the investigative skills and knowledge that you have achieved and communicates that message to your co-workers, peers, and current and future employers.

The International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators Certification Programs are considered one of the most respected certifications in the field.

With certification, IAFCI members are recognized leaders in their agencies and institutions and fields of interest. Certification may also lead to opportunities in becoming expert witnesses in criminal prosecutions as well as opportunities in placement and advancement in your career path. In addition, academic institutions, law enforcement agencies and private sector companies are looking for these qualities in employees that can only be demonstrated through certification.

The IAFCI offers certifications in three distinct areas of financial crimes, cyber crimes, and digital forensics.


Certification demonstrates advancement of job knowledge and skills. It provides a basis for trusting an investigator’s work and provides a model for others to follow. Skilled investigators become leaders promoting best practices in the investigative field. And, testing generates new standards and disproves old ones.
