As dependence on the digital world continues to increase, so does the need for individuals to be aware of the ongoing cyber security threats. Where once there was only a requirement of having a good firewall, now attention is turning to maintaining staff with a well-designed training to thwart cyber criminals before they strike. DaVinci Cybersecurity understands that this can almost sound daunting, as a company has a business to run, however, protecting the company with knowledgeable employees can be easier than it sounds and is the cost of doing business today.
There have been numerous reports showing that human error has resulted in around 90% of cyber security breaches. While cyber security awareness training has been around for quite some time, not all training is equal nor does it keep up with the changing trends of cyber criminals and the nuances of a changing staff. Like everything else in our digital world, best practices in cyber security awareness training needs to grow and evolve. DaVinci Cybersecurity has personalised training services that bring the latest and most up-to-date warnings, information and methods.
Turn Good Intentions into Action
Poll after poll shows that companies want to have cyber security awareness training but often less than half actually follow through. The best step to making this change is to simply assign an internal representative to work with DaVinci Cybersecurity to create an interesting and personalised training program designed just for your staff.
Keeping Your Data Safe
The data that your business maintains is one of your most valuable assets. A major part of cyber security awareness training is to ensure that the network, data, and access has multiple levels of security. Our team works closely with your IT department to rearrange and test access points, recommend changes and teach the employees how to create a safer environment to mitigate a cyber attack.
Information and Accountability
In many cases, staff often separate themselves from the recognition that company cyber security is part of what they do. Our team allows employees to feel like they are an integral part of the organisation to keep the business safe. We craft easy to understand awareness factors that empower them to be on alert and take action.
They Have to Relate
Quite a few cyber security awareness training programs are reported to not reach their goals because they are, frankly, boring. Staff will not engage unless they find a presentation interesting and what they do listen to, they will forget if they sit for too long. DaVinci Cybersecurity creates interesting and fun awareness training that correlates with the individual company and the kind of industry that the staff works in. Employees need to see how they can tip the scales of success by being knowledgeable on cyber attacks and threat actors as well as things they do on a daily basis.
“System analysis of a network may be the first step in cyber security, but the awareness training for staff is the deep-seeded part of maintaining the protection of your information and clients. DaVinci Cybersecurity customises a training program for your employees, offering the kind of insight that will help to keep your company strong.”
Sharon Knowles, CEO DaVinci Cybersecurity