There is a very high percentage of websites that have vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to the loss of sensitive corporate data. Think of a tap that leaks constantly, getting it fixed will take a few minutes but we procrastinate or put it on the list to do tomorrow, cyber security is similar, vulnerabilities need to be remedied immediately.
Customer information is considered crucial information because in most cases, if not all, customers drive the business. Cyber criminals concentrate their efforts on applications that are web based like shopping carts, forms, login pages as well as dynamic content. These pages are mostly accessible from anywhere in the world and 24/7. If your web applications provide easy access to corporate databases you will allow these cyber criminals the opportunity to perform illegal activities using your compromised website.
This is where we can help with our managed services offer.
Firewalls, SSL and networks that have been hardened are proving futile against web application hacking. Tailor-made applications are vulnerable as bought applications; cyber criminals prey on vulnerabilities and insufficiently tested applications.
Audit your website security with a vulnerability scanner that automatically crawls and scans off the shelf, custom-built websites and applications for SQL Injection, XSS, XXE, SSRF, Host Header Attacks and over 3000 other web vulnerabilities.
This opportunity will allow you a brief glimpse of your website using advanced deep scanning technology. Our proof of concept scan will allow you to make an informed decision regarding your business and how you and your team can tackle the issues proactively.
Our managed service, should you decide to use us, will then entail a monthly scan with a detailed report on how you can proactively detect any vulnerability. Detailed reports enable you to meet legal and regulatory compliance, which will assist you in managing escalation and remediation of vulnerabilities.
The Da Vinci Team understand that small business has risk too, sometimes more vulnerable than bigger organizations. Chat to us and let us help you reach a solution that suits your budget and requirements.
Lets have that chat, call us now. Here are Da Vinci’s details.