Ransomware Attack on Pipeline Alerts Companies to Dangers

Ransomware Attack on Pipeline Alerts Companies to Dangers

Cyber criminals using ransomware have been around for a long time however in the last 5 years or so they have changed their methods of attack from private citizens to larger, more lucrative victims. In the last few years, hackers have focused on the bigger medical institutions and in May 2021 they sent their malware […]

Cybercriminals Use Facebook Profile Impersonation for Scams

Cybercriminals use a number of methods for profile impersonation, even though Facebook has online reporting to support, response is slow

Facebook has had a litany of problems almost since its inception. Creating a business model that has online advertising opened the door for some rather devious criminals. The unfortunate fact that Facebook users seemed to trust the social media platform enough to not only put large volumes of personal information but to also attach payment […]
