Uniting Cybersecurity and Marketing

Uniting Cybersecurity and Marketing: A Strategic Approach to Empower Business Growth

A Strategic Approach to Empower Business Growth Once upon a time, in the bustling realm of modern business, there emerged a dynamic duo: Cybersecurity and Marketing. In a world where digital presence is the heartbeat of commerce, this pair proved essential. Our story begins with an insightful look at how integrating these two realms is […]

Cybersecurity Insider Threats

Cybersecurity Insider Threats: The People You Thought You Could Trust

The People You Thought You Could Trust When you think of insider cybersecurity attacks, you might immediately envision an angry former employee or one that is disgruntled and getting ready to leave. While these are situations that do occur, there is another element that is just as important for your focus, and these are referred […]

What Happens After a Session Hijacking Attack

What Happens After a Session Hijacking Attack

The fact that almost any network or computer session is vulnerable to session hijacking should give pause to everyone. While these forms of cyberattacks typically happen to web applications and browser session, they do also rely on knowing the cookie session of the victim which is also called cookie side-jacking or cookie hijacking. Many often […]
