Steps to Recognise Software Vulnerability and Ways to Manage Them

In an age when savvy management is stating that cybersecurity is part of the cost of doing business, the question arises as to what are the most cost-effective and practical methods to incorporate the price while ensuring identification and remediation of high-risk software vulnerabilities.

While there are standard configuration alterations and software updates and patches that do accommodate a majority of the issues, there are two additional challenges that must be addressed. These include incorporating visibility of ALL assets, internal and off network; and meeting the topic of cyber inertia head on. This is the inability to make fast configuration changes due to the belief that the changes may cascade into other system problems.

Under the “easier said than done” objections, there are four steps that can overcome this point and move a company towards a better success rate in combatting cybercriminals.

Understand all of the assets of an Organisation

As companies grow, they expand their software, hardware, and partner relationships. Adding onto existing products often means incorporating newly created technologies to existing enterprise. Ensuring that the IT department recognizes each level of existence, and what may need to be upgraded, as well as all device users assists in maintaining control.

Knowing the Tools of the Cybercriminals and Protecting Against Them

Cybercrime exists on a number of levels including local, country, and international. The cost of recognising the threat actors as well as their procedures, techniques, and tools helps to protect your assets against their capabilities. This is critical in today’s cyberwarfare as we see cybercriminals use polymorphic malware and encrypted communications as part of their tools of the trade. Their sophistication is increasing and companies must step up to the plate to meet and exceed their attacks.

Vulnerability Identification

As much as every organisation tries to protect themselves against cybercriminals, there continues to be weaknesses across many levels, including technology, processes, and individuals. Profiling the vulnerabilities and classifying them assists in developing a strategy to succeed in security. Identifying the weakest points and taking action will help to decipher and add to your existing plans. Many companies are working in coordination with a cybersecurity specialty company to develop a “vulnerability management” schedule. These companies can help to answer key questions such as the security of external systems, if the most up-to-date versions for software/hardware are running, the methods used for storing login data, and the transmission of sensitive information with/without encryption.

The Requirement of Controls and Safeguards

The moment the first network with external access was establish, we entered an era of constant vulnerability. Establishing controls doesn’t mean that they have to be static; in fact, they should be changeable to adjust and lessen risk factors. Safeguards can be compared to the actions taken when emergency crews arrive to put out a fire. Both controls and safeguards are established by the company and the levels that are selected will be a direct reflection on how critical you feel the protection of proprietary and client data is.

The concept of fighting cybercriminals has expanded beyond what the standard IT Department can handle. The Da  Vinci Forensics team will bridge the gaps to bring additional information, actions, detection of vulnerabilities, and recommended updates and changes. We are professionals that are solely focused on assisting your organisation to protect yourself against breaches and hacks.

 Da Vinci Forensics


